July [3] 2008


  Inexplicably, the world is exploding

  And I alone, survive in the rock cave.

  I fear a meteor collided this morning

  When I’d gone subterranean

  Spalunking and befriending the rock.

  I wonder,

 Did a barrage of hostile hydrogen bombs hit today?

  I cling now to a small chamber within the rock

  Next to an immense natural shaft

  That drops perhaps one hundred stories down

  Into the deep cavernous abyss.  


By some freak law of physics or gravity,

All is witnessed from my hidden window of cave rock.

I watch intense shock waves

Radiate in a wicked surge of power

Like an angry ocean bursting through a subway tunnel.


I now realize that only I am safe

And untouched in the rock cave.

The earth’s surface

Has been otherwise rendered

Null and void.

I cling to this cave now,

As Earth’s sole surviving son.


No other life form now exists,

Either outside or inside the rock cave.

The cave has become my mother, and

I huddle in the jagged crevasse of her heat.


In less than a moment

I have completely grieved

the endpoint of all previous life forms, save I.

I sense tremendous love and freedom

In the black loam and roughened cool

Of vibrant, inorganic matter.


The rock is some higher intelligence

And I now remember (as could we all)

Its former presence, like a kind nursemaid

In our original  lifetimes.


I do not cling to organic life now,

But feel warm and comforting ties

To all the stars of all the galaxies.

We are brothers and sisters.




2 Responses to “THE ROCK CAVE (A Dream)”

  1. Jess Says:

    Thanks for the poem Art. It provided great visuals and a great jumping off point. I like the metaphor of being one with the rock. Indeed we are children of mother earth, made of earth, …we are manifestations of our environment.

    I’m curious, what does The Rock Cave dream mean to you?

    As for me:
    I’m experiencing feelings of loss at the moment. But it is not necessarily my own loss that I am feeling. As I see it (rationally), I haven’t actually lost anything. I have my life and my health, a wonderful wife and family, a good job, money in the bank, a roof over my head, food, friendship, happiness. Seems I have it all. And yet I feel a sense of loss all around me. People are losing their homes to storms, both natural and economic. People are losing their money, their hopes and dreams. Some are losing their lives due to conflict, some losing their freedom and security. The loss is endless, and feelings of loss are everywhere. I’m feeling everyone else’s pain, and maybe I’m also afraid of experiencing my own personal loss. But is this all just a simple case of empathy? I feel what I see. Perhaps at this present moment, I’m more open to being empathetic, for any number of reasons.

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